pre-tan pro tips

  • Take a shower at least 3 hours before your appointment, ideally more than 12 hours.

  • Shaving, waxing and exfoliation must be done at least 24 hours before the appointment. It’s important to allow amino acids to replenish because DHA needs amino acids to grow. Likewise, the pores must be given time to close before application, otherwise it can leave dark spots. Exfoliation is a crucial step to do before your spray tan.

  • Do not use lotions, creams, gels, waxes, shaving creams or other oil-based products as they will leave residue on the skin and prevent the solution from developing properly.

  • Avoid wearing makeup, any type of face cream, sunscreen, perfume or deodorant on the day of the appointment. “Dry and ashy” as Lisa says.

  • Moisturize your skin a few days before your appointment. Definitely not on the day of the appointment.

  • Wear loose dark clothes for after we spray you. Please don’t Give us a give us a heart attack and show up in leggings and any of tight fitting top. This combo is the literal worst. Avoid socks, uggs, sneakers, boots, crocs, etc. Slides or flip flops are the best (yes, even if it’s in the dead of winter.)

  • If you plan on wearing shorts, make sure you have a towel or a blanket to lay over your car seat. You are bound to get creases on your back legs if you wear shorts and don’t have something to sit on after your tan. Even if you feel totally dry, skin to skin contact can mess with the bronzer. If we’re being honest about it, light, airy, loose fitting leggings or athletic pants are the best.